Monday, August 18, 2008


Hi, yes, shipping it out might take a day or two but each and every day now is filled with tuitions, extra classes, talks, seminars, and also group studies. You might think I'm taking studies as an excuse for not shipping it out but think twice, I'm doing these secretly without my parents acknowledgement. Why do I want to risk myself by putting tonnes of EMS boxes in my room as a display? I too want to ship out all the goods ASAP. I don't feel good letting you guys wait for so long as well. What do I gain from that? That doesn't benefit me at all.

If you realised, I've actually posted regarding the delay of postage once or twice before. If you urgently need the goods, please e-mail me by telling what goods do you have with me and I will ship it to you before September. I'm sorry for delaying the shipment of goods. I'll try to settle all before September but I do not guarantee I will be able to ship out all yeah. :)

Alright, I shall stop here. I wouldn't want to worsen things. ^^
Lastly, thanks for spending your time reading this. (I know I'm crapping a lot. XD)

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